Deadly Lessons


Deadly Lessons

Lindsey Mitchell is an English teacher at an inner city school when she encounters a former student, Simone, and offers to her help get into college. Unfortunately for Lindsey, Simone’s abusive boyfriend Marc is a member of a gang of car hijackers, the Knight Legends. When Marc forces Simone to take the gun used in the execution of a gang member and hide it, she decides to escape by taking Lindsey up on her offer of help, then hides the gun in Lindsey’s home.

Detective Jack Owens, along with his partner Rosnick, is assigned to investigate the murders. He soon recognizes that there are definite ties with the gang members and other students in Lindsey’s fifth bell class. After a series of crimes targeting Lindsey as the victim, Owens realizes the gang is after something they think Lindsey has. Furthermore, Lindsey finds herself embroiled in the dysfunctional and self-destructive lives of several other students in her fifth bell class who also have ties with the Knight Legends.

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Lindsey Mitchell is an English teacher at an inner city school when she encounters a former student, Simone, and offers to her help get into college.


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