The Diplomat’s...


Hilarious happenings occur when a diplomat’s daughter and a 9 year old terror disrupt a cantankerous guardian’s well-ordered life.

Living in Vienna, Dory receives a letter from her best friend’s orphans begging her to defend them against their evil guardian, the Earl of Harcourt. Dory knows she must help the three Rundell children. But how is she going to convince their haughty guardian to unbend enough to listen to reason. To further complicate matters, his dark, brooding good looks have invaded her dreams.

Harcourt’s ordered life has received a set back since he’s been appointed guardian to the Rundell brood. Moreover, he finds himself the target of a prankster. But his life becomes even more complicated when Miss Dorcus Kenworthy arrives and spars with him over the future of his three wards. Then, there is his growing attraction for the lovely diplomat’s daughter.


Hilarious happenings occur when a diplomat’s daughter and a 9 year old terror disrupt a cantankerous guardian’s well-ordered life.


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